Privacy Policy

Responsible for this privacy policy


Golden hopestraat 17b

1620 Drogebos

Geüpdatet op 25 apr. 2024

The European General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) – Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC – stipulates that public organizations must appoint a data protection officer.

The case manager was appointed as data protection officer as referred to in the Article 37 of the European Data Protection Regulation 2016/679.

Your privacy matters

Your privacy is of great importance to us. We strive to process your personal data in a legal, correct and transparent manner. In this privacy statement, we explain what personal data we collect and process from you as a natural person. From now on, we always refer to data about you as a citizen, or as another data subject, such as beneficiary, contact person in a company, and so on. Regardless of capacity, your rights remain the same and we will handle your data with equal care.


We are responsible for processing personal data. You must be able to trust us to handle personal data carefully and securely. To ensure this, we have an approved information security policy. This policy complies with relevant legislation.

Why do we process personal data?

is committed to providing efficient and quality services. We are committed to keeping your personal information secure at all times.

May we process personal data?

We are careful to process your data only if we have a valid legal basis for doing so. In the main, we process personal data only within the scope of a legal task or in the public interest. In a limited number of cases, we do so on the basis of a contractual obligation or to protect the vital interests of a natural person. In all other cases, we will ask for your consent to process your data. This includes:

The use of cookies on the websiteProcessing of visual material: photos and videosUse of contact data for newsletters to which you subscribe

How we collect personal data

We collect personal data in one of the following ways:

  • We request your personal data directly from you
  • The information users provide during a purchase on the website: name, address, email address and phone number and IP address
  • The information users provide while filling out a contact form: name, email address, phone number and IP address

Who processes the personal data

The processing of personal data is done by employees of . All employees are covered by legal professional secrecy and sign a confidentiality agreement. We make every effort to continuously educate our employees on the importance of privacy and data protection.

The employees use automated systems purchased from third parties. Besides IT suppliers, we also have contracts in function of personnel management, legal assistance, … These suppliers are processors who handle personal data on our behalf. In order to guarantee privacy, a processing agreement has been concluded with these suppliers. These suppliers are bound by the same legal grounds and security measures as those applicable to us.

We may also disclose your personal data:

If we are required to do so by law or another legal processTo law enforcement or other government authorities in accordance with their legal powersWhen we believe release is necessary or appropriate to prevent bodily harmIn connection with an investigation of suspected or actual fraudulent or illegal activity

Transfer of data

We will store and process your data primarily within the European Union. We will also only use IT systems operating within the European Union.

If there is no equivalent alternative within the zone, the Board may use applications that process data in countries outside the European Union, to the extent that these applications provide sufficient guarantees of compliance with the European Regulation, preferably because they are located in so-called safe countries.

Do we store personal data?

We retain personal data and base this on the statutory retention periods.

Personal data is not kept longer than necessary. After the expiration of these periods, personal data are destroyed according to the procedure described in the information security policy.

How do we secure personal data?

We implement appropriate administrative, technical and physical security measures to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful deletion, accidental loss, unauthorized modification, unauthorized disclosure or access, misuse and any other unlawful form of processing of the personal data in our possession. The level of security is determined by a data protection impact assessment.

Why choose Recon damage


Available and deployable 24/7, Recon Damage has the advantage of being always accessible and able to act at very short notice. Under the guidance of highly qualified project management, Recon can map out the damage accurately and take swift action.

Comprehensive services

Recon Damage is not only active in the disaster restoration market but also boasts a wide range of services in the construction sector with renovation, repair, and new construction activities.

Team of specialists

Recon Damage puts its experience and knowledge at the disposal of any victim (individual or company) of a damage incident. A team of 100% in-house employees will assist you and try to address this drastic event for you as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Active throughout Belgium

From its headquarters in Drogenbos and operating offices in Adegem, Zutendaal and Villers Le Bouillet, RECON DAMAGE operates throughout Belgium. Our dedicated team stands ready to take action anywhere in the country.

We are at your service in Flanders, Brussels and Wallonia.

Are you the victim of a fire, water damage or other incident? Our qualified staff handle every type of claim in Belgium. We provide solutions for individuals, professionals and industry alike. Want to be helped quickly by a team of professionals? Recon works quickly and efficiently with impeccable quality.